5 Things You Can (For Real) Do To Earn Money As You Travel

Have you done the famous Google search: How to make money online…. Uhhh, yes, we are guilty! This is exactly how we started this journey. We had a dream to travel the world, and that was all we knew. Once we noticed that people all over Instagram were working as they traveled, we knew it was possible for us. So we typed the famous search into Google and you’re met with – About 4,390,000,000 results.


You sift through the “best” ways to make money online, and end your search more confused than ever. Not to mention the scams out there you have to watch out for.

So we’re here today with 5, very real ways, to earn an income while you travel. These are real life solutions that we have seen people doing on the go.

We are 100% sure that anyone can be successful with each of these, if you stick to it.

The number one secret we’ve learned about earning an income online is this: You have to stick to your path, laser focused and not opportunity hop in order to see success.

Because there is no such thing as fast money, or overnight success. You have to put in the work to get the success you desire. That being said, if you find the path you really enjoy, the “hard work” actually feels quite easy, not because you’re not working but because it is fun!

So, not only are we sharing 5 ways to earn, but also how to get started in each and if it could be right for you. We’re breaking down some of the skills it takes to create success in these income paths!


5 Ways To For Real Make Money Online

1. Affiliate Marketing

This is how we got started online, this is still one of our favorite income streams in our business, this is how we initially scaled our business to six figures.

Affiliate marketing is when you promote a product or service that someone else created, and receive a commission when you make a sale.

How to get started: We recommend Making Sense Of Cents Affiliate Marketing Course, it is so easy to follow and understand how to start earning income on a blog

Is it for you? Do you enjoy writing content? Do you enjoy the marketing aspect of business? Do you enjoy networking? Then you would enjoy affiliate marketing! Affiliate marketing takes time to build up relationships and content, but it is a fantastic way to earn not just an income online… but a passive income too once you get your systems set up!

2. Coaching

Megan’s online avenue of choice; coaching is an industry that is expanding everyday. Don’t let that scare you away though! If you’re pulled to coaching, then your clients need you and your unique spin on what you do.

Coaching is an unregulated field, but we agree that if you’re committed to changing people’s lives why wouldn’t you get serious about it? Coaching is an art and a science, it’s not just listening to someone and giving advice. It is so much more than that.

We know so many coaches who are multiple-7-figure earners. If your passion is behind it, it is a great route to go!

How to get started: Do some research on a coaching school or start working with your own coach to understand the coaching process. Check out where Megan graduated coaching school from here!

Is it for you? Coaching is a time commitment, you have to be fully present with your clients, and show up to live calls. You have to be fully passionate about your work to stay self motivated and organized on the go! It’s for you if you love to listen, you’re empathetic, you’re patient, and you love personal development and growth! 

4. Course Creation

Do you have a special skill the world needs? You can create your own course and sell it to your audience. The online course industry is a million dollar industry now. Self education is the track people are taking to step into their dream jobs.

How to get started: You can dive in head first and figure it out as you go, or if you want to shorten that path… We’ve taken a lot of programs on this, and worked with many mentors, but hands down the KBB Method is the best. (Pssst… Check this video out here, it’s part of a free training we did and you can learn more about the KBB method)

Is it for you? If you love to create, and have a passion for teaching others then course creation is for you!

4. Freelance Work

Do you have or are you open to learn certain skills that are flexible around different industries?

You can do freelance work for outside companies like social media content management, content writing, graphic design, and more.

How to get started: We recommend Freelancer Secrets to learn how to be not just another freelancer, but a highly profitable one.

Is it for you? Maybe you don’t want to work directly with people, but would prefer more alone time in your work… Freelancing is for you!

5. Remote.co

Here’s the hard truth that no one wants to say… not everyone has what it takes to be an entrepreneur. Can everyone be one? I think so. But I don’t think everyone has the personality type or drive for it. And that is okay.

I think the drive to want to see the world, made everyone think they HAD to start a business.

And then they get into it and realize… ohhhhh this is like hard work, and all by myself in the beginning.

Again, that is okay. AND you can still work on the go.

Remote.co is one of our favorite sites with Remote job listings, they’re categorized by industry + let you know if they are international or entry level.

How to get started? Go to Remote.co and click Remote Jobs, begin your search.

Is it for you? If you enjoy being an employee, you’re not interested in earning millions right now and you want to see new countries instead of a cubicle, then it is!

So, which one are you going to go all in on?!

They all work, we know people successful in all 5 of these income sources! Choose yours, follow through, and we’ll see you around the globe!

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