Do We Really Have Control?

sun rise on the road

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “everything happens for a reason”. I have never put much thought into that quote until I realized that some things that happen are really out of our control. Negative things may even happen for a greater reason than can be foreseen at the present moment.

As most of you know Megan’s lung collapsed two days before we were supposed to fly to Mexico. To say we were bummed about not going to Mexico would be an understatement. We both still had a week off from work so I flew to Kentucky to be with her. We visited some friends and had a great time, but Megan said she would like to spend the rest of her vacation on a beach, and to be honest; I was freezing in 40-degree weather (yes, I’m a wimp when it comes to the cold). So rather than catching my Friday flight out of Kentucky, Megan and I decided to rent a car and started heading south on Tuesday evening. We arrived Wednesday morning and went straight to the beach. As we were lying there, waves crashing in front of us, we immediately knew that we made the right decision to take a road trip.

new smyrna beach

The next day, we rented paddleboards for the first time and got an incredible workout. I even got my father and sister to rent some kayaks and come along with us.  I hadn’t seen my sister for over a year so it was great to spend time with my family. We all had a great day exploring islands along the inner coastal in New Smyrna Beach, FL.

paddle board new smyrna


paddle board new smyrna

Following a great day of paddle boarding and kayaking, we decided to rest on the beach and have a relaxing Friday. Well of course, fate had other plans. The beach started fogging up so much that it hid the sun, so my father and sister walked back to the car. When my dad sat down he began to complain about a sharp pain in his chest, and going down his left arm. Of course, anyone that hears someone say that immediately starts to question what’s wrong and starts trying to diagnose the pain. As I drove away from the beach, he said the pain was growing even worse. Without hesitation I sped to the hospital.

Andrew's father kayaking the day before!
Andrew’s father kayaking the day before!

After a few hours of waiting for his results, we were informed that my father had suffered a heart attack…. Luckily there was a great cardiologist on call and she fixed him up that night, and 3 days later he is already feeling stronger. I’m so grateful I was on the beach that day with him and was able to get him immediately to the hospital.

Things could have been soooo much worse for me and Megan if everything had worked out as we planned. For example; if it wasn’t for Megan’s lung collapsing 48 hours before our trip the doctor said it might have fully collapsed in Mexico or during the flight. No offense to Mexico, but I think we all know Mexico’s hospitals aren’t quite up to par with America’s. Next, If Megan and I had not decided spur of the moment to get a rental car, I wouldn’t have flown into Florida till after 11PM Friday night, and my Dad would’ve had a heart attack while my stepmom and I were both hundreds of miles away. This past week has been a whirlwind of events for Megan and I, but we have learned so much from it. We really don’t always have control over the events in our lives, but sometimes you really do have to look for the silver lining. Megan and I dealt with all of these misfortunes as they hit us and now we know that once we’re able to start traveling abroad, every obstacle we encounter can be overcome by staying positive and working through it together.

Throughout your travels and even throughout your life you will deal with disappointment and challenges. Just remember, maybe it is all happening for a reason, the trick is to keep a positive outlook and you will always make it through whether you’re by yourself or alongside your significant other. Happy travels to you all!



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