Five Tips for Visiting Costa Rica

Bienvenido a la Pura Vida!

Costa Rica is an abundance of relaxation, serenity and beauty. And with such a variety of scenery, it makes for the perfect vacation spot for adventurers. Adventure really is out there.


So what do you need to know for your Costa Rica journey?

Costa Rica has everything you want to see from oceans to volcanoes to rainforests and mountains. Hello, everything I love about nature!

The Costa Rican life is unique & tranquil at the same time. We learned some amazing things about the culture there! Here are some of the top Costa Rica tips that we learned along the way:

Costa Rica Tip #1: Pura Vida

Pura Vida, you will hear this sung through the streets of Costa Rica. Quite simply put it means Pure Life. But to the locals, it means so much more. It is their way of life, their mantra. It is a greetings, a thank you an acknowledgement… hey it can even end a fight! It is radiated all over the country. Pura Vida is Costa Rica, you can feel it.

Costa Rica Tip #2: Ticos

What are Ticos?! You’ll most likely hear this phrase a few times in Costa Rica! It is simply what the local Costa Ricans call themselves.

Costa Rica Tip #3 If you are renting a car… driver beware!

We rented a car and we were a little nervous about not knowing what the road signs said, since they are in Spanish. But we quickly learned that was the least of our worries…

The signs are all pretty much the same as they are in America.

The way of driving in Costa Rica… not so much the same.

We were first alerted when the rental agent told us as long as we don’t go 20 KPH over the speed limit, we will be fine.

Then we quickly learned that the rules of the road in Costa Rica were more like loose guidelines. People crossed over dotted lines, double lines, yellow lines… people crossed over lanes on hills, turns and sharp curves. Stuck in a merge lane? Be prepared to wait for a bit. If you are renting a car in Costa Rica, get ready for a wild ride!

Bonus tip – rent a 4 wheel drive. There are a lot of unpaved roads… well, let me rephrase that… there are a lot of unpaved steep hills! 4 wheel drive will help you out!

Costa Rica Tip #4: Save extra time for EVERYTHING

Do not get yourself into a hangry state, because restaurants are on Tico Time! If someone tells you it will take you 15 minutes to get somewhere, be prepared for 30-45 minutes. It’s just another example of the chill Pura Vida Lifestyle. Learn to love it, take in your surroundings.

Costa Rica Tip# 5: Safety

I only write this tip because it is the first thing everyone asked us about Costa Rica. Is it safe there?

And I will answer it as I answer for all other countries… there are places you don’t want to be alone at night in and there are places where you do want to be.

It’s the same in every country. I felt very safe on my trip to Costa Rica and very welcomed! Everyone was very eager to give us directions if we needed and answer any questions they could!


Have you been to Costa Rica before? Have any other fun tips for our readers?!

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