Looking for Valentines Day ideas? Here’s 5 reasons to stay home on V-Day

Normally I work on weekends, but luckily this weekend I was able to take off from work for a couple days so I could fly up and spend Valentines Day with Megan. Even though I was only in Lexington for one day and 2 nights, it ended up being a great weekend to say the least.

Looking at the clouds (not snow)
Looking at the clouds (not snow)

In our previous post  “5 tips on a long distance relationship” we mentioned not getting stressed about not being able to fit everything into your visit. Well we managed to fit as much as we could into this trip and we weren’t stressed out at all. Of course we didn’t see everyone (sorry guys) but there’s always next time. One of our tips was to always visit your family if possible, so i went and visited my grandmother whom I hadn’t seen in over a year and introduced her to Megan. Im thankful we took the time because she told me that Megan was great and that she wanted a front row seat at the wedding. (No, Megan and I aren’t getting married anytime soon) Grandma just decided that we were haha. After visiting my grandmother and grabbing lunch with my parents, Megan and I continued our perfect day by spending the rest of it with each other.

car ride

It seems that a lot of couples are always trying to plan what public place is going to be special to them. What restaurant will create lasting memories? What bar will you all remember drinking at? We have your answer. Home. No that’s not the name of a bar/restaurant (that we know of). Cook together, if it’s cold where you live, throw a log in the fireplace, if it’s warm out, open all the Windows (unless you’re cooking naked) or sit outside. If you want to drink with friends, then invite them over.

In my experience you don’t want to go out on Valentine’s Day as a couple and here are 5 reasons why:

1) Singles at the Bars

Guys go out on Valentines Day in hopes of picking up a single girl. Not much different from any other night, but on valentines day they assume every girl is single or why would she not be home with their boyfriend or husband?
Single girls go out in packs to the bars to not focus on their single way of life and are normally drinking heavily as well. So yes, your boyfriend also has a good chance on being hit on. You both have a chance on getting drinks spilled on you, or worse, puked on or cried on by a random guy or girl (I’ve unfortunately witnessed all the above happen on valentines day).

2) The bars are Packed.

I’m not claustrophobic, but I hate walking into a bar and not being able to move or even get a drink, because theres so many people. Being bumped, stepped on, shoved, etc, is not enjoyable for anyone.

3) Emotions run high on this day

People are happy to be single, some are sad they are single and others are mad or resentful at their single status. Put that mix of emotions in one room, and there’s a good chance you’ll witness a fight or become part of one. No reason to put yourself into an avoidable situation.

4) Busy-ness

We decided to pick up some dessert on the way home. I’m glad we decided to place a TO-GO order at the Cheesecake Factory for multiple reasons (red velvet & oreo cheesecake being two), but mainly because it inspired this blog post. As we were waiting for our TO-GO order, we overheard wait times for a table, 4-6 hours!!  I can’t possibly believe that waiting in a restaurant for over a hour would count as an enjoyable valentines date for you and your significant other.

5) Privacy

I don’t care what anyone says, intimacy does not exist in a bar. You don’t have an intimate one on one encounter with your significant other in a crowd of people. Pass up going to the bars for a night and keep your man or woman at home. Light some candles, dim the lights, put on a good movie, feed each other chocolate covered strawberries, or do whatever else floats your boat, as long as it is just the two of you for awhile.

Staying home on certain holidays, Valentines day being one of them, is never a bad idea.

We hope everyone had a great valentines day and if you did brave the crowds, that it was still a great experience after all was said and done. If you did spend it being single, hopefully you didn’t waste your time being bitter and jaded, because it just means you haven’t met him or her yet, and there is plenty of time for that.


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One Response

  1. Great advice! And I agree with you, I’ve never found a restaurant that is worth that kind of wait, especially on a special day like that. Well, to be honest, on any day. One of the things I have found though is that there are little hideaways that do give a sense of privacy, but they are getting so hard to find because the chain restaurants and bars are taking over and they are, as you said, usually crowded and noisy. Keep a lookout for them, you may find them, and when you do, they are a gift! Write on! Really enjoyed this post.

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