How to Balance Working Together as a Couple

Maintaining balance in your relationship is already a struggle for many couples! You have to balance work life and home life, friend relationships and your relationship, and not to mention your own emotions. Now imagine throwing a business into the mix!

We are a power team; we dream together, we work together, we (succeed) and fail together.

Here are our top tips for working together as a couple while maintaining a happy, healthy relationship.

1.Value each other’s opinion

Chances are, you each bring a unique trait to the relationship and to the business.

For example, in out business, I am more of the creative and organizational side of the business – I can sit down and write out 20 blog posts if I wanted to and visualize a video script in less than 10 minutes all while planning 3 meetups for us. Now Andrew, is the entrepreneurial and technical side of us. He can sell a pen to a homeless man and set up a new gadget like its nothing and is always on top of the resources we need.

We balance our business. That being said, it is easy for us to give out opinions and not understand the other’s idea. We have learned to take an idea and spice it up with both of our talents and then you have a master idea!

2.Kick your frustrations to the curb

This kind of goes along with number 1… so it’s so easy for me to get frustrated when I say quick I’m going to come up with 5 new blog topics and you do the same and then it takes him a whole day to come up with him… just as it is easy for him to get frustrated when I can’t close a sale.

These frustrations have no room in your business. It is a different workplace dynamic, but it is still work and you wouldn’t get angry at a coworker when you have to explain something to them.

3.Balance work + play

It is so easy to spend an entire day working and answering emails and maintaining social media and writing and work, work, work, working until you fall asleep on the couch with your laptop on your lap and your phone in hand. We have realized before that, oops we spent an entire week working without having a normal conversation.

Balance your life before you become nothing but business partners. Have a set time of the day when phones go on silent and computers are shut off and no topic should be about algorithms or posting. Just be in love. We do the same with a date day, we choose one whole day that week that we will just be with each other, disconnected.

4. When in doubt, laugh it out!

Sometimes it’s just best to laugh at your mistakes.

Life’s too short to be taken so seriously! Instead of getting frustrated, laugh at yourselves. We spent about an hour trying to make up a video in the 100 degree Florida heat with running screaming children (playing Pokemon Go) all around us, an announcer who kept interrupting us and then of course human error.

You just have to laugh at it together, don’t let it get to you!

Working together as a couple was a huge learning curve, and we still have some lessons to go. At the end of the day, we love this adventure together!

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