How to Get Rid of (the Dreaded) Writers Block

Writers block. Where creativity goes to die.

I would say Andrew and I have been struggling with this for about two months now. A number of things can be going on to make this happen; stress, too much on your plate or maybe simply a lack of inspiration. I think it’s safe to say we have together been going through all three of those. I generally have constant flowing ideas and inspirations and dreams and my mind feels like it just gets stuck. AHHH.

When one manages a blog though, writers block is not so good. So here are the methods we will be living by now to help put a stop to the dreaded writers block.

Clear your mind

I know you want to fill your mind with new ideas, but you need to do the opposite if you are working through writer’s block. You need to clear your mind.

I’m one who wakes up in the morning and runs my To Do List through my head while simultaneously reflecting on what I did wrong yesterday along with a meal plan for the rest of the day. Andrew has the concept of meditation down. It makes me pretty jealous. I’ve been trying to take at least 15 minutes of peaceful time a day. So I can find my missing thoughts that I know are floating back there somewhere.

Find space in your day to clear your mind so more creativity can flow through.

Jot down your thoughts 

How many times have you had a great thought then you run through your day, sit down and say oh my gosh what was that awesome thought I had earlier?!?! And then go crazy for like an hour before you go grab some ice cream and give up.

We live crazy busy lifestyles nowadays, between catching up on the Bachelorette, logging some gym hours, checking my daily social media and in the midst of all that making an income. Life doesn’t seem to slow down.

Keep a journal or an agenda or put it in that little device that is probably glued to your palm anyway. Just jot it down

Find your inspiration 

Today I found inspiration in a picture I saw scrolling through Instagram. I’ve been really down on my dreams recently and when I saw that I thought why am I giving up on something I want so badly in my life? Sometimes I find inspiration at the gym or grabbing coffee. Whatever it is, look for it. Hold onto it. And follow it.

Free write

The amount of random articles I have saved on this little MacBook air is pretty ridiculous. I don’t even post them, I just type away until my little fingers can’t move anymore. It gets the mind flowing though and then I come up with an idea worth working with.

Bam. There ya go. Our favs. And how we will be working from now on. What are your favorite tips for writers block?


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