So you’re thinking about moving?

“Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow.” – Anita Desai

On January 6, 2014, I made up my mind; I was going to leave my home and move somewhere new. This meant breaking the lease on my apartment, it meant quitting my job, it meant tossing or storing my furniture (because I could only fit the necessities in my compact car) and it meant leaving my family and friends.

            As you can imagine, not very many of my friends understood why I would leave everything and everyone I knew and move 14 hours away to a city that I have never called home. Most of them assumed I was just moving because it was -10 degrees Fahrenheit (which lets face it, is a great thing to run away from). Most assumed I would be back home in time for summer, bragging to all about my winter escape. I’ll admit that Florida did sound appealing at 70+ degrees in January, but I would never make such a rash decision based on a little snow and ice. It is hard to explain, but some of you may understand. I couldn’t escape my gut feeling, telling me that I needed to experience something new. I knew I wasn’t going to satisfy that craving, by staying in the same state I had explored most of my life.

It has been exactly a year since I decided to move to Florida and I honestly could not be happier. I’ve surprised my friends and family by not moving back, but most importantly I have surprised myself. Without familiarity surrounding me, I was able to learn and grow personally. I honestly can’t wait till my next move because I no longer have any doubts in my ability to be happy and successful, no matter where I choose to call home.

At the risk of sounding cliché, there are so many experiences I might have missed out on if I hadn’t moved. One of the most important things I may not have had in my life is my intelligent, funny, and gorgeous girlfriend. All my Instagram and Facebook pictures of palm trees, white sandy beaches, and ocean sunsets caught her eye and her curiosity. Going on adventures by yourself is outstanding, and I never ceased to have a good time, but being able to share my adventures with someone who is just as enthusiastic about traveling and exploring is insurmountable. I can’t imagine experiencing and seeing the beauty of the world with someone whom I think is equally as beautiful.

Some of the best advice I can give everyone in this New Year is not to hesitate, put yourself out there and be an amazing person. If you simply ‘go for it’ then you are guaranteed to surprise, excite, and be overall pleased with yourself. You can always find an excuse to not do something, but remember, if you take too many steps forward, you can always take a step back. So go ahead and make that long overdue move. We can’t wait to hear about it!

If you have any questions for us, feel free to comment, message or email us! Also, we wanted to give you all something to look forward to. In our next few posts, Megan and I will share some exciting places that we find in each state. Plus, we’ll mention some ways to visit that won’t cost you a lot of money, so stay tuned.


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3 Responses

  1. This is a really great idea! It is nice to move forward and do something new. I am very happy for you both!

  2. “Some birds are not meant to be caged, that’s all. Their feathers are too bright, their songs too sweet and wild. So you let them go, or when you open the cage to feed them they somehow fly out past you. And the part of you that knows it was wrong to imprison them in the first place rejoices, but still, the place where you live is that much more drab and empty for their departure.”
    ― Stephen King, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption: A Story from Different Seasons

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