“To get something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.”

palm trees

I think this is the hardest concept for people to grasp when wanting to make a change. Try something new everyday, the scarier the better. If it’s hard do it anyway, if you hate it… don’t do it again. It’s all very simple. Live freely and don’t be afraid to move forward. Whether it’s as small as talking to someone you’ve had a crush on forever (been there done that) to deciding to move away from home (done that too) or quitting your job for your dreams (oh, I’ve done all the above). If it is what you truly want, you’re not going to regret it.

Some tips for moving forward…

Make a plan: All good things start with a plan right? Well I’m actually a big advocate of spontaneity but if it scares you then organization is key. Write it out; a five-year plan or a ten-year plan, whatever you need to get you going. Sometimes just seeing what you want all down on paper makes plans easier to fathom. I even sometimes have to succumb to this when my impulsiveness gets a little hectic.

Start small: Change is big. Start small. Try something new every morning, could be something as simple as a new coffee shop or maybe a new CD in your car on the way to work (does anyone else still listen to CDs). My biggest fear was being alone and I knew that it was something I needed to get over to achieve happiness and even healthy relationships; I started by allowing myself reflection time at least once a week and it evolved from there.

Mindfulness: Do things slowly, when you are aware of what you are doing you will do it well and you will learn from what you are doing. We live such a busy life style, the need to constantly be doing something can hold you back from living out your dreams. Slow down, breath, it’ll be okay.

tall palm trees


The skies the limit… okay that’s a little cliche. We just really love palm trees 🙂


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