™, have you been seeing all of the hype around this online training recently?! Well it’s for good reason… scratch that… EPIC reason! Let us tell you what’s up…
The World’s Leading Education & Community Platform!
If you’re new around here allow me to introduce the entrepreneurs behind the blog.
I’m Megan and my partner in life and in business, Andrew is the other half of this blog.
Hey, that’s us…

We kicked off this journey after doing the whole “American Dream” thing. You know the one…
Go to school, get fancy degrees on [expensive] pieces of paper, get jobs, save up for retirement in which we’ll be too drained to enjoy and then die. Yep, that’s the one.
Well, we quickly realized this is NOT the path for us.
So, we started this blog right here you’ve landed on.
After one year having a steady stream of two readers… Hi mom and dad!
And Andrew getting let go from his job…
We almost threw in the towel.
But we decided to give our dreams one last chance, we believed in this life we wanted to design. We started learning from the top mentors, and surrounding ourselves with resources that inspired success.
And we freaking did it.
We built a location independent business with the help of our mentors, and some amazing online trainings.
Replacing the income that Andrew lost from his corporate job.
And creating a legacy that has impacted thousands.
You see, there’s a new American Dream going on right now; you, me and Andrew, we’re the pillars of it.
We are designed to break the mold, it is coded in our DNA to be more. To do more than just walk the path that someone else wrote for us. To create an impact and live in full freedom along the way. AND that’s exactly what this training by Tony, Dean, and Russell encourages and teaches to do.
So whether you have your own business, want to start one, or just want to create more income for you and your family – you’re in the right place…
> Click Here To See What Everyone Is Talking About <
If you’ve been anywhere online the past couple of months you may have seen us, and some others talking about™, and the impact it’s had on all of our businesses.
Now you may be wondering… what the heck is™ and should I join in?
We are talking about some of the top leaders in the industry coming together to bring you a value packed training on how to MAKE MASSIVE IMPACT, and profit from a $129 Billion Dollar industry.™ is an online program to teach you how to run and scale your own profitable masterminds. Which the creators of this program categorize as communities and workshops online or offline.
Running communities like this is one of the main ways we have been able to work and travel.
Next, we mentioned that some of the top leaders in the personal development and business space are behind Want to know who they are?!
The Who

Who is leading this movement? Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, and Russell Brunson… Heard of them?!
In case you haven’t, here’s the run down:
Tony Robbins is one of the World’s most sought after success coaches and educators – Filling arenas with hundreds of thousands of people annually while changing millions of lives. And You get to learn from him now.
Dean Graziosi Is one of ohe most respected entrepreneurs of our generation; with a billion dollars in sales to his name. Dean earns tens of thousands of dollars for just hours of his time and you will learn from him for practically nothing.
We are so grateful to have learned from these legendary mentors!
The What

More people than ever are opting OUT of traditional education and opting into their own remote path. COLLEGE APOCALYPSE! We are in a digital information BOOM, this new age education industry is expected to triple in the next 5 years, according to Forbes. This training is going to teach you how to fix the broken education system by using your own knowledge (or someone else’s) to create an impact and profit!
This is EXCELLENT news for us freedom chasers, because we can now take our work anywhere.
And in the free training you are going to learn just that…
Here’s what you learn:
+ They are going to break down how to make an impact that creates a profit in the most simplistic way you have ever seen!
+ The never before seen KBB Method, how you can fully understand your impact and profit potential… and FAST
+ Create massive, scalable success
+ Run your own successful masterminds
+ How you can get paid… even if you don’t have a product or service to offer
And so much more!
Get set up to take intentional action toward your freedom lifestyle in a way that feels really good to you.
How do you join?
So how do you get started?! The good news is that they’ve opened the doors for a short time. They’ve updated the training and are covering everything you need to fuel your momentum and accelerate your success towards more impact and more income in 2024! – Join here!
The ‘why’ is simple, to support millions more to unlock their full potential so they can create an impact on the world.
Because when one person creates an impact, it is a ripple effect onto the entire world.
So yes, there is massive value and you are learning from the best when you join
But don’t do it for that. When you invest into an online training and coaching program, make sure you’re doing it for YOU.
Be committed to your dreams, and your growth. Take this opportunity of a lifetime and give it your all, because we are 100% sure that you’re here for a reason. You have an impact to make on the world, let’s turn the volume up on your power!
Should You Join™?
If you’re someone who always wants to be growing and never wants to feel stagnant.
If you want more success, confidence, and joy in life.
You want to be in control of your time, your income and your future.
Then register for the Masterclass and save your spot now! – Join here
We believe in it because it’s changed the way we approach business and personal growth. If you’re ready for financial freedom, personal development, and the skills to secure lasting wealth, this event and training is your compass. The education and guidance you receive will allow you to create long term, stable growth of wealth, through building an indestructible business with multiple streams of income. Along with teaching you how to build “digital real estate” so that you always have a steady flow of income, no matter what’s going on in the world.
Don’t miss this chance to join us for a groundbreaking experience that has transformed our future and can do the same for yours. Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi have brought their decades of wisdom to the™ live Masterclass. It’s not just another webinar—it’s an opportunity to rethink your life, design your ideal future, and ignite unstoppable growth. Reserve your spot now and take that first step toward realizing your potential!”
Watch the live Masterclass, which reveals the fastest way to become a millionaire this year!
After joining the Waitlist, check out these other resources:
TrustedHousesitters Review: The Surprising Way To Travel The World For Free
5 Tips To Travel More And Travel Cheaper
How I Paid Off $40,000 Of Debt While Traveling The World
One Response
Hey very nice blog!